Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What makes Vedantist-Yogis and Christian Scientists believe their philosophy leads to magic powers? Swami Gitananda Giri says Yoga leads to Siddhi powers, so why doesn't any Yogi (or Christain Scientist) have them?

 Table of Contents

Many years ago, in my early twenties, I was walking home from work one day when I came across a Christian Science Church in New York City. I had never been inside one and was curious.  It just so happened that I entered just as a meeting was starting in the nearly empty congregation. I can't remember what I learned that day but I remember after that thinking to myself that if Christian Science is right, I should be able to walk through walls.  Later, after reading a revealing biography on Mary Baker Eddy (PDF here) I came to see that I was not alone in my thoughts on walking through walls, many Christian Scientists were claiming this at the turn of the century.  Swami Gitananda Giri was a famous Yogi who taught worldwide.  In his book "Siddhis and Riddhis" (PDF BELOW) he says that Siddhi (magic) powers are an outcome of Hindu learning.  What is it in Christian Science and in Vedanta-Yoga Hinduism that leads someone to believe they will have mystical powers? What is the thought process there?  What is the structure of the thinking that makes people think these things?  What is the mental chain of causation that takes you from the principles of the faith to the conclusion you can obtain mystical powers? The point is that even though I thought I could walk through walls when learning Christian Science, I actually couldn't, it never happened, to me or anyone, so it seems pretty silly, and that is why Christian Science is dying. But millions are holding on to Hinduism even though it does not produce results either.  This is partially because Hindus are discouraged from using Siddhi powers, and so they are less likely to get disappointed.  Hindu Vedanta is more difficult to digest than Eddy's Christian Science, but both lead to the belief you can obtain magic powers... perhaps analyzing simpler Christian Science can help people see why Hinduism leads to similar mistaken thinking and reject both of them. 

SIDDHIS AND RIDDHIS by Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri

PDF Available Here:

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Christian Science Hinduism - Table of Contents

  Vincent Bruno This blog has been established to compare and contrast Christian Science and Hinduism so as to ...