Friday, January 12, 2024

Illogical Vedanta (like Christian Science) negates cause and effect, espouses free will, and suggests the finite universe lives inside infinite humans

Table of Contents

One of the biggest hurdles in defeating Vedanta is its reliance on Quantum Mechanics to disprove determinism. The question of whether or not Quantum Mechanics proves free will is very complicated and poorly understood, and sometimes scientists simplify terms in ways that confuse people, such as the oversimplification that an object can be in two places at once, which is not exactly true. The article below by Gokulmuthu Narayanaswamy in his book "Theory and Practice of Vedanta", shows that Vedanta is about negating the world of cause and effect, and worse saying that the universe exists inside a person's mind rather than being a real external force. This raises many questions, such as why on the macro level does everything seem to work on determinism. The writer says that life is "free from the laws of physics" in their movements, even though studies have shown that biochemical antecedents are prepared in the brain before we make a decision to move... our decision to move was under the direction of biochemical processes in our brain we are not in control of, we have no free will as Vedanta states.  If we all have free will, and the universe exists in us, why don't we all experience different unique realities?  Why is it everyone always sees the same object in the same place from different angles depending on where they are standing?  The object exists outside your mind that is why and its reality is not conditional upon your mind, it exists outside your mind.  If there were no humans or animals here to experience the universe it would still be here just as it is now. You have no ability to affect physical reality with your mind like Christian Science or Vedanta would teach you, you are not infinite, you are finite, if anything is infinite it is the universe, which Vedanta denies. These ideas cause insanity in Christian Scientists and Hindus and lead to an anti-scientific mystical outlook on life that does not correspond with reality and leads to death in people who take these ideas too far and who say their diseases don't actually exist outside of their mind, as Christian Scientists and some Hindus do. Your disease is being caused by deterministic factors and you need to use physical law, not mental gymnastics, to defeat it. 

Theory and Practice of Vedanta

by Gokulmuthu Narayanaswamy

Break Free 

(An edited version of this article was published in the June 2018 issue of Vedanta Kesari, the monthly magazine published from Ramakrishna Math, Chennai.) The whole development of humanity and of individual human beings is a journey of breaking free. Matter is governed by the laws of physics. The movement of matter can be determined by the physical laws within certain limits, which are also physical laws. However, no law of physics can predict the trajectory of a house fly or even a simple bacteria. Life starts when it breaks free from the laws of physics. Nature puts a number of physical restrictions and mankind overcomes each of them. Man beats the cold by clothing and heating. Man beats the heat by air conditioning. Man beats other predators by weapons. Man beats distances by transportation. Man stops hunting for food by growing his own. Man fights disease by advances in medicine. All the technological development of man is breaking free from external nature. Animal life is governed by survival and competition. Human life is governed by sacrifice and cooperation. Strong bullies the weak in animal kingdom. The strong protects the weak in human kingdom. Darwin’s laws don’t apply to real human societies. Inner life is also governed by the laws of biology – the instinct to eat, survive,sleep and procreate. Man is different from animals when he extends or defiesthese. It is man alone who decides when to wake up, when to sleep, when to eat, what to eat, whom to live with, how to live, how many children to have, etc. Every biological necessity is refined or broken. From food, we have created elaborate cuisine. From sound, we have created music. From vision, we have created beautiful art. From smell, we have created fragrance. From forests, we have created gardens. From movement, we have created dance, tourism and pilgrimage. From partnership, we have created family. From herds, we have created societies. We defy nature too. Nature says, “You are hungry, eat.” Man says, “Today is Ekadasi. I am fasting.” Nature says, “Don’t do that. You will die.” Man says, “I will die for my love and my ideal.” Nature says, “You are sleepy. Sleep.” Man says, “Tonight is Shivaratri. I am on vigil.” Nature says, “Procreate.” Man says, “I am a monk.” It is by breaking the rules of biology that we become human beings. All cultural development of man is refining or breaking free from internal biological nature. Nature gives me success and says, “Rejoice.” I say, “Many people helped me.” I kneel down with gratitude and share my success. Nature gives me failure and says, “Kneel down and cry.” I stand up and say, “I gave my best. I will try again.” Nature takes away what I deserve and says, “Shout in anger.” I says, “No problem. You have the right to be stupid.” Nature takes away a dear one and says, “Weep.” I say, “Everyone dies one day. I served him well. I wish him well in the hereafter too.” Nature gives bounty to my neighbour and says, “Be jealous.” I say, “He deserves it. Good for him.” All spiritual progress is breaking free from psychological defects like anger, jealousy, greed, arrogance, fear, sorrow, etc. The progress does not stop there. The most fundamental rules of individuality, time, space and causation are also to be broken. Nature says, “You are finite.” I say, “I am not an individual. I am pure Consciousness. The whole Universe existsin Me. I am infinite. It is you, Oh Nature, which is finite. I am not limited by you. You exist in me as a small fragment of My Existence.” Nature says, “You will die.” I say, “I am unchangeable. Oh Nature, it is you that changes with Me as the background. I don’t die. It is you that is dying and is reborn every moment. I am beyond time. Time exists in Me.” Nature says, “You are governed by cause and effect.” I say, “When I am the unchangeable, which is the cause and which is the effect? Oh Nature, it is you who is governed by the law of cause and effect. Not Me.” This ultimate breaking free from Nature is Moksha or Nirvana. The whole of progress from matter to life, to mind, to humanity, culminating in divinity is a series of breaking free from Nature. Swami Vivekananda says, “Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this Divinity within, by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy – by one, or more, or all of these – and be free. This is the whole of religion.” (Complete Works, Vol I, page 257) Read the lecture by Swami Vivekananda titled “What is Religion” (Complete Works, Vol I, page 333-343), which covers almost all the discussion above in his words.  

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Christian Science Hinduism - Table of Contents

  Vincent Bruno This blog has been established to compare and contrast Christian Science and Hinduism so as to ...